I like to do monthly re-caps – sometimes for my 4 readers, sometimes so I have something to go on. This one – is a bit of a mix. I have to compare where I am to last year, to see how things are going overall. Weight loss, cycling, job, etc… it’s all crazy lately. Weight loss… well, my update would have likely been better without last week. While I managed to lose a pound, the stress caused by all that – my not riding for a few days – the insanity – it all weighed heavily on me. Having said that, I have to say I hit a many year low on Friday at 227 pounds. The five more I need to lose for my next goal/milestone seem SO HUGE! Bigger than the last 40 – I have to say.

Overall – things are good on that front. I’m losing a bit of focus, but still in the game.
On the riding side of things, I’m really riding pretty well (or was until a few days off… but it will come back). I have to compare today to last August when I did not ride. I’ve got 5x as many miles in this August as I did last year… I’ve only ridden 25! Those who know me might recall, my back went bonkers last August – and that SUCKED!
VeloLosers – a great idea, a great motivator – but a bitter mistress, I have to tell you! I’m pondering the concept. It works great for one “cycle”, but then its so hard for those who stick around. I will have to see how VeloLosers 3 sorts out. If all of the Alumni are suffering like me – maybe we have to have a Cat 5 tour to get you started – then you can join the pros? Regardless – knowing I have to tell a bunch 0f other chubbies my weigh each week makes for good motivation.
Lunch is over – back to work!